Best Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 4 cards

A gnome and a goblin duking it out in a promotional image for Season 4 of Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

With a new Season having just released, the entire meta of Battlegrounds is being turned upside down.

Just like most online-only games nowadays, Hearthstone Battlegrounds keeps updating cards as well as adding new ones into the fray. Season 4 has just launched and alongside it more than 80 new cards have been added to the game. This obviously has led to a bunch of new builds taking shape, with some of the old ones becoming obsolete due to the removal of certain key cards. But not all cards are created equal, so here are some of the best cards to come out with Hearthstone Battlegrounds Season 4.

Fleet Admiral Tethys

Card image for Fleet Admiral Tethys from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

This is one of the main puzzle pieces for the new ideal Pirate deck. Tethys can quickly fill your hand with pirates, especially when paired with other Pirate cards that can give you extra gold. Turning him golden will provide you two Pirates instead, making him a force to be reckoned with. But Tethys can work in decks that use more factions as well since some non-Pirate cards that can give you more gold per turn.

Banana Slamma

Card image for Banana Slamma from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

One of the strongest Hearthstone Battlegrounds cards to come out with Season 4, Banana Slamma has already been nerfed by making him a Tier 4 card instead of Tier 3. Despite this nerf, he is still one of the strongest cards that make Beast builds so good. Just keep in mind that when you make him golden, you’re basically losing stats instead of having two normal Slamma’s on the table. Making that choice will depend on how badly you need some more room on your board.

Dancing Barnstormer

Dancing Barnstomer from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

Elemental builds have always focused on building up a ton of stats, and the current meta is no different. And to help you out you now have Dancing Barnstormer to help you out. Giving him taunt is a great idea to ensure that he will most definitely die in every combat. Having more of these on your table or even golden ones will quickly turn any Elemental you buy from the tavern into a real nightmare for your opponents.

Polarizing Beatboxer

Card image of Polarizing Beatboxer from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

Magnetize is a somewhat overlooked mechanic from the mech faction, but Polarizing Beatboxer is here to fix that. He works great with Mecha-Jaraxxus and Brann Bronzebeard since you’ll quickly add a ton of stats to your Beatboxer. Turning any of these puzzle pieces golden will give you an insanely powerful board in no time. Add some of the usual Magnetize cards into the fray that can give your cards Divine Shield or other effects and victory will be right around the corner.

Deep Blue Crooner

Card image for Deep Blue Crooner from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

One of the best Spellcrafts currently available in Battlegrounds, Deep Blue Crooner has a lot of synergies going for it. Pair him up with a few copies of Zesty Shaker, and you’ll be able to buff a bunch of your minions every turn. The only real downside to this card is the fact that to make it work you have to get your hands on him as soon as possible. If you’re trying to make a build around him, try to Discover as many tier four cards to maximize your chances of landing a Crooner.

Drakkari Enchanter

Card image for Drakkari Enchanter from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

With a rather unique ability, Drakkari Enchanter has a lot of uses that can work in a variety of builds. Any end of turn effect will benefit from this card, with some of your best options being Upbeat Duo to get more cards or The Walking Fort if you’re running a taunt build. What makes this card so great is the fact that it fits in pretty much any build that makes use of some end of turn effect cards.

Upbeat Duo

Card image of Upbeat Duo from Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

Clearly one of the best cards to come out of Season 4, Upbeat Duo is an extremely versatile card that uses the new Upbeat mechanic. He can fit in pretty much any deck, ensuring that you can get your hands on golden variants of your minions ASAP. And with the help of other cards like the already mentioned Drakkari Enchanter or by turning him golden, you can get multiple copies of a card in a single turn.

Choral Mrrrglr

Card art for Choral Mrrrglr from Season 4 of Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

Even though he is mostly relegated to being used in a Murloc deck, Choral Mrrrglr is a very strong minion to have in your build. As long as you keep buffing various cards in your hand he will keep growing, allowing you to easily turn him into a real problem for your opponent. Clearly one of the top cards in the new Murloc builds, Choral Mrrrglr has a bright future ahead of himself.

Underhanded Dealer

Card art for Underhanded Dealer from Season 4 of Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

Becoming buffed everytime you gain gold is a great ability, especially when you pick up other cards that synergize with it. Your best bet is the new Pirate build which can gain a ton of gold during each of his turns, which can quickly turn your Dealer into a huge threat. Turning her golden should also be done as quickly as possible if you want her to be a part of any build. And as an added bonus she works wonders with Prince Gallywix since he also gives extra gold every turn.

Upbeat Frontdrake

Card art for Upbeat Frontdrake from Season 4 of Hearthstone Battlegrounds.

And last but not least, we currently have one of the best Tier 1 cards in the game. While Upbeat Frontdrake won’t be turning any heads through his stats, his ability is pretty worthwhile, especially if you’re going for a Dragon build. And to top it all off, he can nab a Dragon of any tier, meaning he can land you some powerful cards ahead of time. Obviously, making him golden is also worthwhile and rather easy since he’s a Tier 1 minion.

Make sure you check out our best Hearthstone Battlegrounds builds (updated for season 4) and also check out our Hearthstone meta decks for this year.

Every Season of Battlegrounds has new surprises in store for players, and this one has been no different. While there are plenty of other cards that are worth your time, these are clearly some of the best and most useful. And while not all of them have the versatility to fit into any deck, there are definitely plenty of synergies that have yet to be uncovered by the community.