Diablo 4 endgame content guide

One of the World Bosses being engaged by a pack of players in Diablo 4.
Source: blizzard.com

Just like any other ARPG, Diablo 4 has an endgame that tries to keep people playing and farming for better gear.

While the leveling process in Diablo 4 can be quite enjoyable, the real meat of the game is hidden behind the campaign. If you’re undecided on what class to play, our Diablo 4 class guide might help out. Most players will be done with the campaign by level 50 and from then on they can start farming the endgame content. If you find yourself struggling with more basic concepts of the game, have a look at our Diablo 4 beginner’s guide. Let’s have a look at all the types of content that you can enjoy on your path to reaching max level.

World Tiers

I’d like to first talk about the World Tiers. While leveling you should mostly stick with the first World Tier, since the increased HP that enemies have on the second one is not worth the extra XP that they have. But when it comes to endgame content, you should try to push yourself into Nightmare or Torment ASAP. If you can dish out enough damage to take out enemies while also not being one-shot, you should definitely play on that World Tier.

Whispers of the Dead

Ingame screenshot with a few caches you can choose from in the Whispers of the Dead event.
Source: blizzard.com

After finishing the campaign the Tree of Whispers will become a hub to turn in bounties for rewards. Multiple types of objectives will become available on the map with a certain amount of Favor as a reward. Gather up 10 Favor and you’ll be able to choose a cache reward from the Tree. Here are the types of objectives that you can complete for the Tree of Whispers:

  • Complete a specific Dungeon – particular Dungeons across the map will net you a total of five Favor, which is the most that you can get from any Whispers of the Dead event
  • Harvest a zone – certain zones will allow you to kill mobs inside of them and gain Venous Motes. Gather a certain amount of those Motes and you will gain a total of three favor. Just keep in mind that only mobs in the overworld count, not ones that can be found in Cellars or Dungeons, even if they’re located in that area
  • Clear a particular Cellar – certain Cellars will net you one favor, which might seem very low but Cellars are pretty easy to finish after all
  • Kill an Elite – take down a marked Elite for one Favor
  • Cull a type of enemy – take down a set amount of a particular type of mob to get one Favor
  • Finish a Ritual – activate a set amount of Altars in an area to get three Favor
  • Defeat a World Boss – this will net you five Favor

World Bosses

Avarice, one of the World Bosses found in Diablo 4.
Source: blizzard.com

Scattered around the map you will find World Boss arenas. Every few hours daily, one of the three World Bosses currently in the game will spawn here. Random players from across the overworld will gather there to take down the Boss. You should try to do one of these at least once every week, since you will get a Cache of items. Outside of that Cache, drops are not necessarily great, but you might land a Unique from time to time. These are the World Bosses that will randomly spawn across the map:

  • Ashava the Pestilent 
  • Avarice the Gold Cursed
  • Wandering Death, Death Given Life

Helltide Areas

Ingame screenshot with one of the best chests to open during the Helltide Event.
Source: blizzard.com

A few times every day, a certain area in the overworld will start a Helltide event. During this event, the entire area will become chock full of stronger packs of mobs and hellfire will rain from the skies. And while the enemies might prove somewhat difficult, be extra careful with those falling meteors since they can one-shot you if you’re playing a squishy class like the Sorcerer.

Throughout this event, mobs will drop Aberrant Cinders, a special temporary drop. Scattered around the area are various types of chests that can only be opened with a set amount of Cinders. Keep in mind that Cellars or Dungeons found in this area will not contain Helltide mobs, so don’t bother with them.

The best path to farm a Helltide area is to look around the map for Special Events. Since these events spawn a ton of enemies in a very short period of time, you should always engage them. Find yourself an area with multiple events close to each other and keep farming them until you gather a ton of Cinders. Then simply find your preferred type of chest and open them up. Ideally, you should focus on opening Chests of Mystery, since they will drop up to five Legendary items and plenty of other resources.

Helltides are also the only place where you can find Fiend Roses. These are a special crafting item that you will need plenty of to upgrade your gear. And make sure that you always check the timer before the Helltide ends. When the timer runs out, you will lose all of your Cinders, so make sure to use up as many of them as possible, even if you’re forced to open up smaller chests.

Nightmare Dungeons

Last but not least, we have one of the most important types of endgame content. Nightmare Dungeons are harder variants of normal Dungeons. They range from level 1 to level 100. The first 20 levels are called Sacred Dungeons and they’re equivalent to the Nightmare difficulty. The ones from 20 to 100 are called Ancestral Dungeons and are equivalent to the Torment Difficulty.

While you should try to push yourself in doing harder and harder Nightmare Dungeons, make sure you’re not wasting time by doing so. Doing simpler Dungeons that you can finish in a timely manner are worth more than a single Dungeon that you struggle with. The most recent patch has just buffed the XP in these Dungeons, so farming them is better than ever.

Experiment with various types of dungeons and see which ones you struggle with most. Each class will have particular enemies that they’re weak against, so try to ignore those if you can. And don’t forget that you can Salvage the Dungeon Sigils at the Occultist as well as craft new random ones.