Even though millions of players around the globe still play Dota 2, the core gameplay is getting a little stale. This is why Valve has just released one of the game’s biggest patches in recent memory.
Dota 2 fans are excited about the latest announcement from Valve. After multiple tweaks have been made to the map over the years, this time, they are finally expanding it by more than 40%. Alongside this map expansion, plenty of other features have been added to breathe new life into it. Here are some of the essential new map features:
- New Roshan Spawns – Roshan now has two different spawns in the northwest and southeast corners of the map. He can randomly spawn in either of them. His stats have also been buffed, meaning he will be harder to take down. Cheese has replaced the Aghanim Shard drop on his second death. When killed for a third time, he will drop a Refresher Shard or a Scepter, depending on where he spawns.
- Tormentors – one of these new neutral buildings will spawn near each base 20 minutes into a game. They are pretty difficult to take down but will reward players with an Aghanim Shard. This difficulty comes from their megashield which has a lot of HP while also reflecting damage to players. The reflected damage will be spread to all heroes engaging it, meaning that a full team will be required to take it down.
- Lotus Pools – spawning on both sides of the map near the lanes, these Lotus Pools will regularly generate fruit that give mana and HP back. And as a bonus, these fruits can be combined to make better variants that will give even more mana and HP.

- Watchers – if you’re sick of public games where no one is willing to buy wards, these Watchers are here to help. Simply click them and they will give vision over a surrounding area for seven minutes. Enemies can disable them quickly, and whenever your team takes down Roshan, all Watchers on the map will be on your side.
- Twin Gates – taking inspiration from other MOBAs, these Twin Gates will allow players to quickly travel from one end of the map to the other after a three second channel.
- Defender Gates – these magical gates are placed next to the sidelanes, giving your team a separate route to enter or leave your base.
- New Outposts – while the old ones have switched locations, two new ones will also be present. These work the same, giving vision in their surrounding area and allowing the team that controls them to teleport there.
And these are only a few of the map changes that have been added with this patch. Plenty of heroes have been reworked alongside these changes, including a significant change to attribute types. A new attribute type called Universal has been introduced. This new group will receive 0.6 damage from all attributes, making them more versatile. After banning more than 40,000 cheaters earlier in the year, it’s good to see that Valve is also interested in bringing new content to the game. If you want to know more about the New Frontiers update, you can check out the full patch notes right here.