PUBG banned over 400,000 accounts for cheating in July 2023 alone

pubg cheaters get banned

PUBG cheaters are everywhere, we all know it… But anti-cheat technology is getting better and better it seems.

It’s no mystery or secret that all competitive online video games, especially shooters, have a ton of cheaters. Games like Call of Duty, Counter-Strike, and PUBG, have countless cheaters who just want to ruin everyone’s fun for some reason. Beginning July 2023, PUBG started a news segment on their Steam page called “Weekly Bans Notice”, in which they show how many accounts they’ve banned and for what reason.

Just last week, between 07/24-07/30, over 100,000 accounts were permanently banned due to the use of illegal cheating software. Moreso, almost 7000 accounts were also banned for teaming, meaning, when a player kills their teammates or, when two or more squads/duos team up together. You can view the full list of banned accounts right here. It’s scary to see just how many cheaters there are in these online multiplayer games, but over 400,000 bans in just a month’s time got to be a world record in all video game history. Here are all the weekly reports for the month of July 2023 for a more in-depth look:

pubg permanent ban
Source: Steam, Investigation Period: 2023/07/24~2023/07/30.

In a recent update, PUBG implemented a new reporting system that is more complex than its previous one, with more options to choose from when reporting a potential cheater. In the letter, Krafton recommends players to use the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator so that their accounts are safe from hackers and abusers.

As a PUBG avid player, I can say for a fact that there were a lot of cheaters in PUBG’s recent history. Almost every match there was a fairly new account dominating the map with weird wiggle moves, or shooting on single fire faster than in full-auto mode. But then again, there are some extremely skilful players who simply get everybody back to the lobby. All-in-all, it’s great to see Krafton taking care of its fans and clearing the battlegrounds from these god-awful cheaters.