PUBG pulled the new Dragunov DMR from the game due to player feedback

pubg dragunov removed
Source: PUBG

PUBG tends to go in the wrong direction with the game now and then. Good thing they listen to players’ feedback and correct their mistakes.

September 2 update

In a pleasant turn of events, PUBG listened to the battlegrounds community and added the Dragunov to live servers in the upcoming patch 25.2. See the attached article for the full details.

PUBG introduced in their latest patch, 25.1 (the big Miramar Update) a new DMR weapon that started quite a controversy around it. The weapon in question, Dragunov, had some pretty interesting stats to it. For the first time in PUBG’s history, this DMR weapon would have a critical hit chance. The Dragunov inflicts a basic damage per shot of 58 and has a maximum damage per shot of 73 (critical hit chance), just like in an RPG or MOBA game.

This started a wildfire in the PUBG community after the gun was tested on the Test Server version of PUBG, raising suspicions that the new Dragunov DMR will unbalance the game’s already sensitive weapon arsenal. WackyJacky101 stated in his most recent video that this weapon will have an element of luck rather than skill. If an inexperienced PUBG player gets the new Dragunov DMR on their hands, they will have an unfair advantage over a skilled player handling a Mini14 for instance. A critical hit of 73 damage would mean a knock (or kill in solo) through a full level 2 helmet just like a Kar98 or M24 would.

In a recent blog post, PUBG acknowledged players’ feedback and suspend the release of the new Dragunov DMR on the Live Server version. Alongside the ‘apology’ letter, PUBG also linked a survey that’s going to be active from August 8 – August 15, for players to express their fears regarding the introduction of the new weapon (and also the AUG). It’s not the first time PUBG listens to player feedback, only recently, they removed the Blue Chip Detector from the game (a device that tells you the enemy position), which was pretty much ‘cheating’.