Elden Ring fans share their fears for the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC

One of the main promotional posters for Elden Ring.
Source: steampowered.com

What makes you worry about the upcoming Shadow of the Erdtree DLC? Elden Ring fans share their greatest fears.

The excitement is relatively high now that Elden Ring has the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC reportedly under development. Since the initial announcement, there has been no update regarding the release date.

Shadow of the Erdtree has the potential to bring great terror

In order to occupy their time before the game’s release, Elden Ring enthusiasts are engaging in various activities, such as cosplaying or creating their own boss fights.

Fans are also engaging in far more typical activities, such as talking about their expectations and concerns for the DLC for Shadow of the Erdtree. A Reddit post by @tiago_brettas sparked a huge wave of comments with the craziest ideas. The post is simply asking the users “What’s your deepest fear related to the upcoming DLC?”. That’s all the Elden Ring fans needed to start bombing the post with some truly terrifying things. Here is the post in case you want to browse through the comments and see for yourself:

What’s your deepest fear related to the upcoming DLC?
by u/tiago_brettas in Eldenring

The first terrifying idea is coming from @Friendly_Ram. A Death Blight Ulcerated Tree Spirit. Now, I can’t even think of the horrors and pain that boss fight would cause. I really hope that does not get added, or at least, they should add it together with some legendary equipment to help you cope with the fight.

Next, from the mind of @WolfDaddyup of Reddit – a Death Blight swamp. This one is pretty scary as well and very doable. Why? Because of Miyazaki’s amazing talent to incorporate a poison swamp into whatever game he works on.

An Elden Ring character resting by one of the many Sites of Grace. Shadow of the Erdtree DLC
Source: steampowered.com

But not everyone experiences fear from an actual scary, powerful boss. For instance, @TheyCallMeOso has a little concern about the potential DLC’s short playtime and others have a similar worry about becoming unsatisfied after the credits have rolled. This should really make the developers proud of their work and how people don’t want the game to end. That’s certainly a worry we should not think about too much given the game’s size. Another calming thing is thinking about The Ringed City from Dark Souls 3. Now that was a consistent DLC. But the truth is, everything nice must eventually come to an end, and isn’t that the worst fear of all?

What’s the release date for Shadow of the Erdtree?

There is currently no official release date for the Shadow of the Erdtree DLC but we can expect the game to be released sometime during the fall. There is also a possibility we can only get the expansion close the the game’s two-year anniversary, in early 2024. But that remains to be seen. Until then, we recommend you put on your best gear and grind the hell out of Elden Ring, to make sure you’ll be prepared for the Shadow of the Erdtree.