The Gecko Gods will put you in the shoes of an adventurous gecko

Nintendo Switch main screen for the upcoming game Gecko Gods.

A new adventure game will be coming out in 2023 called Gecko Gods.  A team comprising of Louis Waloschek and other collaborators is currently working on it.

What the game is about

Game screenshot of the title character in Gecko Gods.

Gecko Gods will put you in control of, you guessed it, a humble gecko. You will be tasked with exploring a beautiful lush world filled with enemies and puzzles you need to handle. From the looks of it, gameplay will be pretty relaxed most of the time. You will get to control a boat in order to get around the many islands of the world. A gecko controlling a boat might sound weird, but trust me, it all makes sense once you see it in action.

The level design looks excellent, giving you complete freedom of movement since you are a gecko, after all. You can climb pretty much any surface as you hunt for bugs and other pickups. This ability also allows the developers to fill many otherwise empty spaces with puzzles. Overall the game looks like it tries its hardest to make you truly feel like you’re controlling a nonhuman character, with all that might entail. Watching your little gecko control your boat’s motor while also handling the directions is truly unique for the gaming world.

While combat is not a big game focus, it is still present. Your character is a surprisingly efficient combatant, dashing and gnawing through various enemies. Even though he obviously can’t wield any weapons, his bite looks more than enough to handle whatever beasties he faces.

Zelda inspiration is apparent

Main character from Gecko Gods hard at work solving puzzles.

The overall aesthetic of the game is very reminiscent of modern Zelda games. It has some of the cutest cel-shaded graphics I’ve seen in a while. The art design truly breathes life into the world you will have to navigate with your little scaly friend.

But graphics are not the only similarities with the Zelda universe. Exploring with your little boat is very similar to Wind Waker, while the character design looks like it came straight out of Breath of the Wild.

Gecko Gods might tide you over until its launch if you’re excited about the upcoming Zelda game. The small indie team is hard at work trying to make this happen, and if this game pans out, they have a bright future ahead of them.

Gecko Gods will be coming out in 2023 for PC and Nintendo Switch. We don’t have a precise date yet, but most estimates place it somewhere in Q1 or Q2.