Unreal Engine 5 tutorial guide for beginners and beyond

ue 5 tutorials
Source: unrealengine.com

“The best things in life are free” is a totally accurate saying when talking about game development and Unreal Engine 5, which is 100% free for everyone. So, let’s dive into some tutorials and start creating our own UE5 games!

Unreal Engine 5 has emerged as one of the most powerful and versatile game engines in the industry. With its robust capabilities and stunning visual fidelity, developers worldwide are eager to harness its potential. However, learning to master the engine can be an intimidating task, especially for beginners. That’s why we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you find the best resources for Unreal Engine 5 tutorials. From beginner-friendly guides to more advanced topics, these resources will help you get started on your journey to mastering Unreal Engine 5.

Official Unreal Engine documentation and learning portal

ue 5 tutorials
Source: unrealengine.com

The first place you should visit when looking for Unreal Engine 5 tutorials is the official Unreal Engine website, more specifically, the dev community tutorials section. Here, you’ll find extensive documentation, learning resources, and official tutorials created by the engine’s developers, Epic Games.

The learning portal provides a wide range of tutorials, including an Unreal Engine 5 beginner tutorial, an Unreal Engine tutorial for beginners, and an Unreal Engine C++ tutorial. These resources cater to different skill levels, and you can filter them by topic, engine version, and learning level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced).

Unreal Engine YouTube channel

The official Unreal Engine YouTube channel is another invaluable resource for learning the ins and outs of the Unreal Engine. The channel features a vast library of presentation tutorials that cover various aspects of the engine, such as level design, character animation, lighting, sound design, and much more.

These video tutorials are suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike, with content ranging from the basics of the engine to more advanced topics like ray tracing and AI. You’ll find an Unreal Engine 5 tutorial playlist that’s regularly updated with new content, ensuring you stay up-to-date with the latest features and best practices.

Other insightful YouTube channels that focus on Unreal Engine 5 game design worth mentioning are:

  • Unreal Sensei – talks about UE5 news and patch release notes.
  • Smart Poly – has an awesome Unreal Engine 5 beginner tutorial playlist.
  • Gorka Games – a more beginner-oriented YouTuber for the UE5.
  • Unreal Creator – not necessarily a tutorial channel, but rather a no-commentary timelapse video creator. It’s good to see so much progress in so short time.
  • CG Dealers – focuses more on open-world game design tutorials for Unreal Engine 5.

The official Unreal Engine forum

The Unreal Engine community is a treasure trove of knowledge and expertise. Joining the official Unreal Engine forums (forums.unrealengine.com) and AnswerHub (answers.unrealengine.com) can provide you with access to an active and helpful community of fellow developers.

These platforms allow you to ask questions, share your work, and discover new resources, including Unreal Engine tutorials. Many experienced users share their own tutorials or provide helpful tips and advice for newcomers. Make sure to search for existing threads on your topic before posting a new question, as it’s likely someone has already asked or answered a similar issue.

Udemy and Other Online Learning Platforms

Udemy is a popular online learning platform that offers a wide range of Unreal Engine 5 Udemy courses, from animation, texturing, and modelling, to Unreal Engine C++ tutorials. These courses are created by experienced instructors and cover various topics, such as game development, virtual reality, and architectural visualization.

While these courses may require a subscription or a one-time payment, they often provide a more structured and comprehensive learning experience than free resources you would normally find on forums and on YouTube.

GitHub and open-source projects

GitHub is a platform where developers can share their code and collaborate on projects. Many Unreal Engine developers use GitHub to host their open-source projects, and exploring these repositories can be an excellent way to learn about the engine’s inner workings.

By studying the code of real-world projects, you can gain insight into how experienced developers approach common challenges and implement specific features. This hands-on approach to learning can be particularly useful if you’re looking for an Unreal Engine C++ tutorial, as you’ll see how the language is used in actual projects.

Unreal Engine 5 books and ebooks

Books and ebooks on Unreal Engine can provide a more in-depth look into the engine’s features and best practices. There are numerous Unreal Engine 5 books available on Amazon for instance, ranging from beginner guides to advanced topics, and many of these resources are regularly updated to keep up with the latest engine updates.

Some popular titles include:

  • Unreal Engine 5 Character Creation, Animation, and Cinematics
    by Henk Venter and Wilhelm Ogterop
  • Blueprints Visual Scripting for Unreal Engine 5
    by Marcos Romero, Brenden Sewell, and Luis Cataldi
  • Elevating Game Experiences with Unreal Engine 5
    by Goncalo Marques, Devin Sherry, David Pereira, Hammad Fozi

These books can be found on platforms like Amazon (as mentioned above), Packt Publishing, and other online book retailers.

Online communities and social media

Aside from the official Unreal Engine forums and AnswerHub, you can find a wealth of information and resources through various online communities and social media platforms. Websites like Reddit (reddit.com/r/unrealengine/) and Stack Overflow (stackoverflow.com/tags/unreal-engine4/info) host active discussions on Unreal Engine-related topics, and users often share tutorials, tips, and advice. There are also a ton of UE5 Facebook community groups that focus on sharing experiences and learning from one another.

Additionally, you can follow Unreal Engine experts, developers, and influencers on social media platforms like Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. These individuals frequently share valuable insights and resources, including Unreal Engine tutorials and project showcases.

Local meetups and game development events

While not strictly online resources, local meetups and game development events can provide opportunities to learn from fellow developers and industry professionals. Many cities have Unreal Engine or game development meetup groups where members gather to discuss their projects, share knowledge, and learn from one another.

Attending game development conferences and workshops can also help you expand your understanding of Unreal Engine 5 and connect with other developers. Events like the Game Developers Conference (GDC) and Unreal Fest feature talks, presentations, and workshops led by industry professionals, offering valuable learning opportunities.

Aside from the official Unreal Engine 5 events, you need to keep an eye out on social media to find out when and where official and “unofficial” meetups will take place so you can attend and join a like-minded game development community.

Motivation to get into UE5

It’s no wonder so many spring game developers want to get into this amazing and free game engine as some Unreal Engine 5 games started to fall under the uncanny valley phenomenon, where computer-generated graphics could easily be mistaken for real-life video footage. That is the case with the new announcement of Unrecord, a body-cam FPS that looks like real life. Anime Tokyo is another example of an impressive-looking game that captures the vibe of Tokyo.

Conclusion and main takeaways

So, whether you’re just starting your journey with Unreal Engine 5 or looking to expand your knowledge, there are countless resources available to help you learn and grow as a developer. From official documentation and video tutorials to online courses and community forums, you’ll find a wealth of information to help you master the engine and bring your creative vision to life.

Make sure to explore the various resources mentioned in this guide to find the learning materials that best suit your needs and skill level. With dedication, perseverance, and the right resources, you’ll be well on your way to mastering Unreal Engine 5 and creating stunning, immersive experiences.

P.S. Don’t forget to check our Unreal Engine 5 system requirements article to make sure your system is up-to-date and ready to take on this amazing piece of game development software.