What does BM mean in gaming?

what does bm mean
Source: Epic Games

Games like Call of Duty, Overwatch, and Fortnite witness unsportsmanlike behaviors, affecting player experiences. Developers are working to curb such actions, emphasizing the importance of respectful play.

In the fevered arenas of competitive gaming, a player’s prowess isn’t the only thing under scrutiny; so too is their behavior. One term that’s frequently bandied about in chats and forums, especially in major competitive multiplayer games, is “BM” – but what does it mean?

BM stands for “bad manners.” It’s a catch-all phrase used to describe unsportsmanlike conduct or behavior that’s considered disrespectful towards opponents or teammates. It could be something as simple as spamming emotes to something more glaring like excessive taunting or purposefully prolonging a game when victory is assured, just to mock the opposing side.

In games like Call of Duty, BM might manifest as a player repeatedly crouching over a defeated opponent (often referred to as “teabagging”). Overwatch, with its vast array of emotes and voice lines, can be a minefield of potential BM actions. Perhaps someone spams a voice line after every kill, or uses a certain emote to mock a fallen enemy.

Fortnite, with its global emote phenomenon, is no stranger to BM either. Victory dances are all well and good when celebrating a win, but when they’re used mid-game to ridicule a vanquished foe? That’s pure BM.

However, it’s essential to differentiate between playful banter and genuine BM. A little light-hearted taunting can be all in good fun, but when it becomes persistent or malicious, it crosses into BM territory.

But why does BM matter? Simply put, gaming, at its core, is about fun and engagement. Persistent BM can mar the experience for players, making games less about skill and more about tolerating unnecessary negativity. Game developers are increasingly implementing systems to report and punish persistent BM behaviors, ensuring the gaming environment remains positive and welcoming for everyone.

So, as the scoreboard tallies up and the dust settles on the battlefield, let’s remember: winning feels great, but playing with respect? That’s the ultimate victory move.